Friday, July 31, 2009

Words of Comfort – CREDO LXXVI

I came across a message I received some years ago and stuck in my Commonplace Book Vol.VIII. It is handwritten and I found it in the bottom of a desk drawer I was emptying. The words came today to comfort me yet again as I seem to be evaluating all my failures at the end of this life. And I think they are worth sharing because all of you who receive these CREDOS, I intuit, are trying to grow, to become wiser, better, and of greater service to others. It seems to be a message for any one of us who tries so hard! These are seeds that may not grow for a while if not needed, but just know that if you read this, you have them now in your Unconscious!

Here it is:
Stop preceding the Love of God
with your own self-judgment!
Accept the healing waters, let them flow crystal clear
as a freshet in the sunlight.
Release, release, release – know that
you are bathed in Love.
Accept this though it come to you
from strange directions and in strange ways
You are not alone.


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